Friday, January 16, 2009

Blogging fail

Okay, I've clearly forgotten how to blog. Here are a few of the things I never got around to saying.

Mr. Kluges: Thank you & Ms. Huis Herself for the book, but the whole idea was that you were supposed to raise backyard chickens so I could participate vicariously through you. NOT the other way around! How did this backfire on me so badly? You are a devious man.

Temp: The other day when I was out on my skyway wander, I found myself thinking, "Hm. I should pop over to Arby's to see if they have fountain diet Dr. Pepper," even though I didn't want a diet Dr. Pepper. If this is some voodoo mind-whammy thing to get your friends to locate diet Dr. Pepper fountain pop for you all across the state, I'm sorry to inform you that my laziness trumped your witchcraft.

Left 4 Dead is a creepy, creepy video game. When can we play again?

Pneumatic flooring nailers may be my new favorite tool.

Reason #86 that I love my new job: I have Martin Luther King Jr. Day off. Yay!


Ms. Huis Herself said...

Bawk bawk bawk... here, chicky, chicky, chicky! Where'd you hide your eggs, nice little chicky?

See, you should TOTALLY imagine yourself saying that! :)

DiploWhat said...

I could send you some bird flu chickens from China to get started. You could e the "hot zone" of north america!
Since I don't have your new work e-mail (a-hem) I've been meaning to ask you if you two ever got the box we sent with the other Chinese goodies? I belive it did contain chicken, come to think of it.

DiploWhat said...

This is what happens when you type too early in the morning. be, not e. Believe, not belive. I give up.

Happy Veggie said...

Oooo, I would totally keep chickens if I wasn't traumatized by having to get eggs as a kid.

Also, if you happen to want to, we could always wander the skyway together and meet up for lunch sometime. This no baby sitter thing is seriously cramping my ability to see you any more.