Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It ain't LinkedIn

...but if anybody knows of anyone looking to hire a graphic designer with skills in InDesign, Flash, and all kinds of other stuff, do let me know. Sunshine is in need of a job.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Scrabble pain

This is why I shouldn't try to play Big A's game against him.

We got this far, then I had IIOUNRT in my tray and not enough letters left in the bag to swap. I had to concede. It's a cool-looking board though!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Plant sale!

The plant sale list is up! You can download it here.

(Is anybody else going to the plant sale this year?)

Update: The plant sale is offering male and female hardy kiwi! Why oh why don't I have a good sunny location for two aggressive vines? Want.

Update two: Vandalizing city property and engaging in guerrilla gardening isn't all that bad if it's in pursuit of hardy kiwi vines, is it? It would just barely be vandalism....

Out my window...

There's a vulture perched on the AT&T tower with its wings spread.

I'm choosing to not take that as any kind of omen.

(Very cool looking -- its wingspan is huge.)

Friday, April 3, 2009


Dear Iowa,

I hereby officially take back every joke I may have made about you. You rock.

Much Love,
