Thursday, September 3, 2009

Nothing to see here

Nope, still nothing interesting happening in my life.

I'm looking forward to Open Forge at the end of the month. After changing my mind several times, I'm now planning on making tomato cages that don't suck. That is, big and sturdy enough to actually support tomato plants. I love the way the spirals look, but I would like to let the plants just grow next year instead of pinching them back to a single stem. Of course, I don't actually know how I'm going to make said cages, what design I'll be using, etc. I do want to be able to store them without taking up half the garage. Any suggestions?

And hey, three-day weekend coming up and a remarkably open calendar for the foreseeable future. Does this mean I'll actually get some of my fall garden chores done? The ones I talk about every year but never seem to manage? Let's not hold our breath.


Syl said...

Can you make them in panels that interlock and can either open out flat or that you can roll into a circular cage and tie or lock the ends together? That would mean storage would be long but flat and they might still function as good cages when needed(I hope, I don't actually grow them).

Jaysan said...

Like Syl said, but I would use some inexpensive hinges to tie the corners together.

The Wog said...

If the design is round, make them in halves, so when stored they can nest inside each other.

Suzuri said...

Pusher, My sweet, we must discuss the concept of "gozintas." Quite likely the Yeti would back me on this, though he did have a comment something along the lines of "but they'd have to be pretty small."

Pusher said...

Suzuri: a who what now?

Suzuri said...

Hmm. Perhaps it is not proper english, but strech it out and you get: Goes in to

It kinda runs along the line of Syl's "pannels that interlock."

I'll draw a piccture of what I mean next time I see you if that doesn't make a whole lot of sense.