Monday, March 26, 2007

Lasers and eyeballs just don't mix

Oh, I know. There are several among you whose new happy, carefree, spectacles- and contacts-free lifestyles contradict that statement most vehemently. And tonight Puck will join you. But I just can't wrap my head around it.

"Okay, so you're going to cut my eyeball open with a laser?!?" *flees, shrieking, into the hills* I cannot express how much admiration I have for those of you with the stones to go through with this.

In any case, wish Puck a completely successful surgery. And for me? Wish that he has a quick recovery with minimal discomfort, because if I have to listen to any even remotely graphic descriptions of what it feels like, I might just hurl.


Allknowingjen said...

Good luck to you both! I sure hope it will be quick and painless.
(And I am totally with you- even the simple little lens adjuster thing at the eye Dr makes me all twitchy!)

Kashka said...

You won't mind the description of what it feels like, Pusher -- just keep him away from what it smells like....

Syl said...

I thought Puck couldn't...?

Pusher said...

Syl, you're right. He couldn't, but now he can (and did). I'm too squeamish to find out why. I just tell myself the technology improved and leave it at that.

DiploWhat said...

Cool beans! Glad to hear he's going through with it.
Now you'll just have to listen to constant comments on how his vision is that particular day. (Nothing gross mind you.)

Pusher said...

So far he hasn't been too chatty about his vision or the attendant eye irritation. I don't know whether that's because he doesn't have much to say about it or because he's afraid of saying something that will gross me out. All is going well though. There is the unpleasantness of healing, of course, but other than that it seems good.

The Wog said...

Yay! Sounds like he got what I got -- once the technology got there.