Thursday, April 10, 2008


Earlier this week when Syl came over and saved my butt from the IRS (thanks Syl! You're my hero!), we tossed around the idea of April 19 for Landscapalooza. Does that work for everyone who's interested? If not, how about the 20th? The Plant Sale list should be out by then, and I'm going to be in Chicago the weekend of the 26th.

Meanwhile, I've started spring yard cleanup, and I'm bracing myself for the 4-6" of snow that's possible tonight. I hope that's the last of it.


Jen said...

Keep me posted, I definitely want to be there. Last year I was so inspired.

Syl said...

Thanks for getting this started - I am so behind at work and home! I am thinking April 20, the Sunday of that weekend, as it seems like Sundays might be less of a conflict for folks. Times? Noon start work? 1?

Happy Veggie said...

Seeing as I was busy having a baby last year, I want to do it this year. Badly. If nothing else, I want to talk to grown ups instead of chasing around a toddler.

Anonymous said...

I'm out of town that weekend. :( I _might_ be able to make it on Sunday, so if that's the weekend for it, that'd be my vote.

The Sexy Blonde said...

If I don't panic on where we're at with preparing the nursery, then that weekend works for me.

Syl said...

Oh, TSB, if you have a laundry basket you're ready to bring a kid home!