Thursday, June 19, 2008

My dad cracks me up

Okay, first, the reference post.

Right? Okay.

Last weekend the folks drove to Chicago. On the drive down, they hit flood detour traffic. But it wasn't just heavy traffic, it was the kind where you go from freeway speeds to dead stop. Which led to the following exchange:

Mama B: We're not moving at all! What on earth is going on up there?
Dad: Well, that's that. It's the rapture, and we didn't make the cut. I told you to stop sinning.


DiploWhat said...

Tee. Hee.
Reminds me of the part in "Good Omens" where Crowly rearranges the construction markers so the road is shaped in a demonic symbol and then the rapture happens.

Happy Veggie said...

Hee. You should find the episode of Wait Wait Don't Tell Me where they talk about the website that emails your emails to loved ones who didn't make the cut when the rapture happens.

Kashka said...

I love how he makes it seem like his salvation was riding on her behavior.

Ms. Huis Herself said...

LOL! That's awesome!

(And Mr. Kluges and I were just chatting yesterday about that didn't-make-the-cut website... Let's see, it's )

Why? I don't know; he brought it up.

And now I want to use, "Well, that's it; it's the rapture" in any situation I can! Your dad is a hoot.

Syl said...

He cracked me up again - twice!