Sunday, May 16, 2010

In which we are raided by the police

Update: For those of you who expressed curiosity: A very nice young police officer just stopped by to apologize and explain. They had the wrong address. He gave more details than that, but that's someone else's life and I'm not comfortable telling more. I almost preferred not knowing. Then I could pretend it was just a dumb prank.

Let me set the stage: It's 3:30 a.m., and I am sleeping the sleep of the grossly ill before being jolted awake by a tremendous noise and what seems to be the house shaking. Briefly wonder what could have fallen with that much force, then bedroom window is pierced by intensely bright sweep of light, and the tremendous noise is repeated, proving to be emphatic knocking, accompanied by someone shouting "POLICE!"

I wonder if the neighborhood is being evacuated. Ah, the stupidity of a clean conscience!

Then I hear voices in the back discussing an "unsecured entry" -- we never lock the back door when we're home -- and I realize they're coming in. My main priority at this point is getting into my robe before they get into my bedroom, because I am *not* dealing with the police naked. The robe is, of course, mulishly uncooperative, but I manage to find the arm holes eventually and shuffle out, meeting several of Our City's Finest in the kitchen. The one in the lead is wearing a bright yellow vest over body armor, and is carrying a a very disorienting flashlight and maybe a gun.

Anyway, they are tense, I am tired and confused. I wonder why they're there, they establish the address, say there was a call, ask some questions about who else is in the house and whether there's a basement apartment, blah blah blah all-a-mistake-cakes. They clear out with an awful lot of noise, light, and radio chatter, and I wander back toward bed. Am met in the hallway by Puck.

Puck: "Were the police just in our house?"
Me: "Yeah."
Puck: "Weird."


Anyway, no big deal, just a surreal sort of interruption. I really hope it was just a prank or something equally stupid, and that there wasn't a real emergency at, say, our address on a different block.


Kashka said...

May that be the last time the police are in your house, unless it's male strippers dressed as police....

Happy Veggie said...

What the?

Ms. Huis Herself said...

Well, I guess you ARE the trouble-makers on the block? Bizarro.

Plus, "Yay!" for Kashka's idea! ;)

The Dude said...

Did they give any indication as to what they were looking for?

Jaysan said...

Excuse me Miss, but we have had unconfirmed reports of pants in this neighborhood. Give them up, and no one will get hurt.

Pusher said...

Temp: Amen to that.
Veggie: Pretty much what I thought.
Ms. Huis: Love the enthusiasm!
Dude: Nope, not a bit.
Jaysan: I wasn't wearing any pants!

Allknowingjen said...

Wow! That is so bizarre- I wonder what was really going on...
I love Puck's response though. Like it happens everyday :)

Syl said...

At least you got the robe on. And I totally would have shoved Pants and told him to go check it out. While I got my robe on.

SVB said...

How is it that you're the first one to respond to the scene? Sounds like your husband was still awake...
Also, please lock your door, even when you're home. Unless you have a trained Dalek waiting on the other side to greet uninvited guests, there's absolutely no good reason to leave it unlocked.

Pusher said...

AKJ: I rather loved Puck's response too. :-D

Syl: See, you're just smarter than I am.

SVB: Puck was not still awake. I was first on the scene because I wake up more quickly than he does.