Friday, June 8, 2007

By popular demand

The local honey trick: Every day, beginning 6-8 weeks before allergy season kicks in, eat a teaspoonful of local, unpasteurized honey (hello, farmers’ market!). Similar theory to vaccination. I make no guarantees. When I looked into this online, I saw lots of people saying it didn’t work. And maybe it doesn’t — maybe whatever I’m allergic to in the spring just had a bad year — but I haven’t had a trace of seasonal allergies. But hey, even if it doesn’t work, it’s yummy.

Note about unpasteurized honey: apparently you’re not supposed to feed it to infants and toddlers.


Allknowingjen said...

You shouldn't eat it if you are pregnant or nursing either- because of botulism.
Thanks for the info! I don't usually get them in the spring, just in the fall, but I may have to make Dude try it.

Happy Veggie said...

The theory is suposed to work for all outdoor allergies if you eat it regularly. The key is a mixed honey that includes pollen from all of the local flowering stuff.

Saff said...

Similar to veggie's comment, we mix bee pollen in with our morning orange or grape juice and it works brilliantly.

The best way to fight nature is with nature. ;-)