Monday, July 30, 2007


(with apologies to Jay & The Sexy Blonde for co-opting their BF moniker)

Last week, I asked The Sexy Blonde to help me remember to seal the seams on the Big Fucking Tent, since last year there were ... well ... puddles. One might even say small ponds. Yesterday, she called and reminded me, which was awesome because I'd totally forgotten because my brain is a SIEVE!

So I hauled out the tent, and put it up in the back yard, and was awfully impressed with myself because this was the first time I'd assembled it with just one person and let me tell you, it was a little awkward. Then I started sealing seams. Then the sealer stopped flowing. D'oh. So I squeezed the bottle, and nothing happened, so I squeezed harder and SPLAT!ohshit. The top popped off, tent sealer flew everywhere, and when I tried to clean it up it took the waterproof surface right off the tent fabric.

No more BFTent.

But never fear, my camping friends, for The Sexy Blonde proposed a scheme: since we pretty much only ever camp together, we shall co-purchase a replacement BFTent! And it shall be even bigger! Good thing Temp bought me such a BFTarp....


Ms. Huis Herself said...


*moment of silence*

I'm sure there will be drinks consumed in its memory at Girls' Adventure Weekend! Wish I could be there!

Allknowingjen said...

Oh no! I think Ms. H might be on to something... We might need a small piece that we can burn in effigy.
You know, to properly say goodbye.

Syl said...

Count me in on the BFT! I shall join you again, hell or high water.