Monday, November 5, 2007

It's snowing!

And as of yesterday I was caught up on my NaNo word count. Yay! Of course, NaNo being what it is, now I'm behind again. But I did get to play Guitar Hero yesterday. That's my reward system this year: I'm not allowed to play any Guitar Hero unless I'm caught up or ahead on word count.


Ms. Huis Herself said...

Hey, yay for you! I'm so in awe of you guys doing NaNo.

Kashka said...

That's probably better for you than my reward: "If you make your word goal, you can eat that whole bag of cheese popcorn."

Okay, not really a formal reward, just what's been happening....

Anonymous said...

Me, I'm just giving myself license to count anything I type that gets me further into the plot...even if it not prose. I get to type more that way, and for me, well, I like typing, but I only get to type stuff that has purpose and isn't wrong or I go slightly nuts...

I mean, more nuts. You know, not he good kind, the kind that ...well, maybe this could play a part in the novel, ne?

It's a good thing I don't have any pride riding on this...