Monday, May 19, 2008


I hope to post pictures again in August or thereabouts when it's all grown in and pretty, but here's the newly laid patio.

First, the clever ramp Puck set up to get the gravel underlayment from the driveway (where it was delivered) down to the patio base.

Here it is in-process, with most of the stones dry-laid.

And here's the finished view from above. That big pile of really nice garden dirt that we got excavating for the base is ready anytime you are, Syl! Also, this view really points out how crappy the back walk looks, but that will have to wait until another year.


Allknowingjen said...

oh yay! I was hoping you would post pictures! It looks fabulous! I can't wait to come over some nice warm summer night with some wine :)

Ms. Huis Herself said...

That looks super and relaxing and like I just want to drive all the way over there, put out a nice lounge-y lawn chair, and enjoy a fruity umbrella drink and a book! Very lovely!

DiploWhat said...

Can you hang your swingy chair from one of the beams?

Kashka said...

I kinda like the drunk-walk.

Pusher said...

AKJ: Anytime!
Ms. Huis: Likewise!
Mixologist: I thought about it, but probably not. :-(
Temp: Oh, the walk will still be drunken. It'll just be made of better materials.

Happy Veggie said...

So, when can I bring over some steaks and hide in your back yard?

Pusher said...

Veggie: That "anytime" goes to you too!