Thursday, October 8, 2009

Support local authors!

Especially when they are the sister of a friend of ours!

Rachel Coyne's first novel, Whiskey Heart, is now available on Amazon and at Barnes & Noble. I'm no good at reviews, so I'm just going to quote a random bit. (Random so I don't have to go through and decide what to quote. Gosh I'm being lazy about this.)

Constance's boys and a dozen of their maternal cousins showed up. They poured out of their aunt's car like water from a jug. The boys cut warpaths between the rows of church members, running and screaming at the top of their lungs, playing or dying, I wasn't quite sure which. The church children did not play with our children, but sat serenely at the feet of their elders, looking pale and ill.

The neighbors filed in but didn't stay too long. The women from Momma's work came to eat and seemed determined to outlast the church people. I wasn't sure if this was a gesture of solidarity with Momma or just their love of potato salad. They lined up at the food table, their big hips bumping softly against one another as they moved. In their flowered and polka-dot dresses, the effect was slightly hypnotic, dizzying. Eventually I fled into the house, towards the shelter of my attic, taking the stairs two at a time.

ETA: I just re-read this and realized how indifferent it may sound. I wrote it at work and my brain was in a half-dozen different places. Just to be clear, I think this is a damn solid book. After a couple interrupted starts, I sat down and read the whole thing in a long Sunday afternoon. It's not a happy book, but it is very honest, raw, and ultimately hopeful. Definitely worth a read.

1 comment:

Happy Veggie said...

This would be the part where I go DUH! and smack my self in the head because I never even thought to make the connection, but I went to the Arts High with her. Published author, so cool.