Sunday, April 15, 2007


First of all, congratulations to happyveggie and AJD on the arrival of their brand-new Sprout!

Temp was in town this weekend and reintroduced me to Perry Mason. I have decided that I want a Paul Drake action figure. Two, actually: one perfect coiffed Paul in a shiny grey suit, and one wind-mussed Paul in the loud check jacket. I also have a crush on Della. Perry who? (Kidding, Temp, kidding! Please don't disown me!)

Puck & I celebrated seven years tonight with our traditional dinner at Jax, where I ate way too much and then had bread pudding. Mmmmmm, Jax's bread pudding. [insert Homer drool] Happy Anniversary, Puck!

Speaking of anniversaries, Mixologist and the Wog are coming up soon on ten years! Congratulations, you two. I'm very happy for both of you.

Thanks to Syl for letting me know that the Arboretum Plant List is up! Reminder for those who are new to this: being on the list does not guarantee that it will be at the sale.


Allknowingjen said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! It doesn't seem like it's been that long. May you have many more years to celebrate!

Kashka said...

Just see my blog, rather than have a master's level thesis in your damn comments section.

Yay, Jax!

DiploWhat said...

Congrats! Thought of you on the 15th - glad to hear you had a good time.
(Though I must say I'm really hating having to create a new Google account when my blogger account was just fine thank you very much.)